Firearm Safet Symposium

Firearm Safet Symposium

March 15, 2023

Good Afternoon Antelope Valley!
Palmdale Sheriff Station wants you to join us for a Firearms Safety Symposium we will be hosting on Wednesday, March 15th, from 5-8 PM, in the AVTA Community Room, located at 42210 6th St West, Lancaster.
We will have presentations from Firearm and Safety Instructors, Michelle Royal, and Chuck Sparks, as well as Antelope Valley Violence Prevention Coalition. The Antelope Valley Violence Prevention Coalition will also be there to pass out free firearm locks.
This is a great opportunity to ask the instructors questions, and learn more about topics pertaining to firearms and the process for obtaining a Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) Permit in California.
We ask that you do not bring ANY firearms or ammunition to this event out of safety for our officers, presenters and the community.
We appreciate your understanding and hope to see you there!
Please click on this link or scan the QR Code to register.
May be an image of text that says 'SherifF Department ANTELOPE VALLEY PALMDALE SHERIFF STATION PROUDLY PRESENTS: FIREARM SAFETY SYMPOSIUM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15TH 5 PM to 8 PM AVTA COMMUNITY ROOM 42210 6th Street West, Lancaster, CA 93534 safety Sheriff hour Instructors- Michelle Royal and Chuck Sparks, Prevention Coalition and who iolence Prevention Coalition willalso firearm ocks information any get help and assistans with community resources. Purchasing sell a irearm CA Proper Ammunition Fundamentals Firearm Safety Operation and Components How how to prevent them through Situational obtain CCW Permit NOT BRING IREARMS TO THIS EVENT** SCAN ME'
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